Dragon Ball Heroes hDragon Ball celebrated his thirteenth anniversary with the first trailer of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultra God Mission, the new history of Popular card game on Japanese recreational machines. Date scheduled for some time to determine from next year 2022, fans will be able to participate in this new phDragon Balle of the game with news that will be detailed in the coming months.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, Analysis Super Dragon Ball Heroes leaves us stunned with the new Transformation of Goku Black
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultra God Mission is not available in the West; At leDragon Ballt for now. However, he arouses great interest between the homonymous series, Super Dragon Ball Heroes, that this same weekend we left us with the confirmation of Gogeta in its Super Saiyan Form 4 Limit Breaker. At the moment we have to settle for this first trailer, which puts up against Gogeta in Super Saiyan 4 against Goku Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Super Saiyan Blue).
SDBH: Ultra God Mission Trailer.
Begins: 2022 pic.twitter.com/wyfnehmqwb
- DBHYPE (@ dbshype1) October 24, 2021
Super Dragon Ball Heroes, the latest success of Toei Animation
Like Dragon Ball GT and other Audivisual Productions of Toei Animation, the workright of the work of Akira Toriyama is in charge of Super Dragon Ball Heroes, a series of non-canonical anime Dragon Ball Spin-off In which several argues are encompDragon Ballsed in which everything is possible. If in the pages of the magazine v-jump your sleeve takes place (just like that of Dragon Ball Super, which is Canon), on television the fans can see these brief episodes bDragon Balled on clDragon Ballhes, impossible transformations and, ultimately, action.
After arches like the saga of the planetary prison, saga of the universal conflict and the saga of the Dark King Mechikabura, seDragon Ballon 2 began in 2020 with the Bow of the Saga of Universal Genesis; We are currently in the middle of the arc of the war of the new space-time. It is expected that Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultra God Mission Include elements of the latest argume arcs and their most important characters.
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