Dragon Nest M goes to cassation

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Dragon Nest somehow has no luck to mobile versions. First - after only 13 months - the high-budget World of Dragons Nest was closed (which was to change the species of MMobianiaków ), and now we learn about the exclusion of Dragon Nest M. After November 30, there will be no trace after the game. > Dragon Nest M Will Officially Terminate The Game Operation at November 30, 2021. All Dragon Nest M Server Will Be Shut Down. Players Will Not Be Abe to Login The Game After The Servers Are Closed. > > Thank You for Supporting Dragon Nest M, GROW WITH US, THANS FOR YOUR Company and Choice. It s hard to say why the mobile views of Dragon Nest have not achieved success? By weak execution? Or maybe simply limited possibilities that have not allowed to move the dynamic fighting system and the spirit of Dragon Nest on smartphones. Truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. Rest in peace!
