New DBS advance: Super Hero shows us all the power of Gohan

Boy Golan (Japanese: 孫 悟飯) is a fictional personality in the Dragon Ball manga collection, produced by Akira Oriya. Golan is presented as the initial kid of the protagonist Roku, and his better half Chi-Chi, in chapter 196 Parrot (カカロット, Pavarotti), published in Weekly Shōnen Dive magazine on October 8, 1988. Chi-Chi is a rigorous and safety mother to Golan, competing him to focus on his studies as well as forbidding him from exercising fighting styles. However, because of the different dangers to the Planet, she hesitantly enables him to combat, with him inevitably becoming one of the greatest personalities in the series because of him having actually concealed prospective just being awakened by his rage. Golan has been well obtained by both followers and doubters, the latter generally mentioning the character's growth from his preliminary appearance to his loss of Cell.

Golan was one of the most important (and powerful) characters at Dragon Ball Z, however, the same can not be said about their participation in Super. The Sakhalin passed to the background while Roku and the rest of the Z warriors lid with all the threats of the series, but it seems that that will eventually change with Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, new saga movie that will reach cinemas in 2022.

New Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero- Previously we already had a teaser trailer who showed us to Golan ready to fight, and now it has been released an extended version where we can see Sakhalin unleash all its power against, who we believe will be the new antagonists of the tape.

Interestingly, the new promotional material for the film also reveals that Golan now has managed to overcome the power of Roku, something that was surely nothing simple to achieve. Everything indicates that Golan will finally redeem itself in this feature film, and we will have an epic battle between our hands when DBS: Super Hero Arrive at the big screen next year.

Editor's Note: Golan is one of my favorite characters from all Dragon Ball, so it was time for your authors to finally return it to the battle front in one way or another. It is hard to believe that he has already surpassed Roku in terms of power, and we will have to wait until I see Super Hero to know if this was true or not.
