With Patch 9.2 ends the story of WOW: Shadowlands and the community is already puzzling today, where our journey will go after the adventure in the hereafter. We have already reported several times about all sorts of supposed WoW leaks in recent weeks . Under the line, the revelations or thought players turn around the topic of dragons and the dragon islands.
- The eternal war between light and darkness
- The Light and Void
- **** The Final Titan
- The Realm of Life
- **** Flight of the Dragon Isles
- **** Flight of the Aspects
- Much mischief with a few highlights
The dragon aspects have rarely appeared in recent years by World of Warcraft. Except for Furorion and Ysera whose stories are not completed for a long time, there are only a few well-known dragons in Wow, which play an active role in the history of Blizzards MMORPG. Therefore, many lore fans currently hope that the dragons as classic fantasy figures return to the large stage of WOW.
The eternal war between light and darkness
A few days ago, a new (supposed) leak appeared on the net (Via Icy Veins), or rather a whole "leak" collection, which should offer us a taste of the next WOW extension. Most "Leaks" deal with the already mentioned dragon islands. But other heroes and villains could play an important role in the next addon. The big hanger of the story could be a new war, which raged for a long time in a hidden. This is the eternal conflict between the light and the emptiness. After Zovaal's defeat, both cosmic powers wit their chance and grab Azeroth to seize the Titanin's World Gaule.
We have split the supposed "Leaks" according to their topics for you again. Attention! These are unconfirmed information!
The Light and Void
The rise of the high exorch Three friends who could not be different. Bring Allia, Turalyon and Khadgar soon a new war from the fence? Source: Blizzard The title High Exam Thinking most WoW players with certainty Turalyon, the leader of the Army of Light. Allegedly, the Draenei lady Yarel should play a role in this story. There should be new areas in Azeroth and Draenor. In addition, the powerful Ogers should finally come into play as a playable (probably allied) people.
between light and shadow
- Our heroes must confess at the beginning of color and swear the powers of light or empty faithfulness. This choice affects the look of our spells and skills.
- There will be a training grounds with bosses from the classic dungeons. This feature should be set up similar to Torghast in Shadowlands.
- The violence of light uses the sunburn of blood elves to get to Azeroth. While all allies windmen unleash the powers of the emptiness in storm wind (allegedly in response to the invasion of light).
- New Raid on... the dragon islands.
More dragons! And islands!
- The announcement of the new enlargement was originally planned for the BlizzCon Online 2021, according to this supposed Leak. Then the announcement was postponed to the Blizzon Online 2022 (as the date of March 2022 was given). That does not take place now.
- The dragon islands are covered at Zovaal's attack on Azeroth.
- Many dragons live on the islands that belong to any of the well-known dragon swarms. These include, for example, the blood dragons that occur as new villains. You yourself hold for the crown of creation and raise a claim to the world senses of Azeroth.
- In the first raid we get it in the first place to do with the blood dragons.
- The developers are planning Housing in Teldrassil and Unterstadt. In addition, there should also be a new job - Schreiner / Zimmermann.
- The dragon scope should be a kind of new legendary. She grants our hero, depending on the color, new skills.
**** The Final Titan
The emerald green dream
- The Kerkermeister's attack triggers the emergency program of the Titans. The emerald dream is activated as a blueprint and recreate Azeroth after the plan of the Titans.
- Many classic areas are reworked again. The Dragon Islands come into the game, Horde and Allianz also set up new capitals: North Rassil (Alliance) and Lordaeron (Horde).
- No new breed or class.
- Two new battles: Stratholme's Barricade and Heart of Elunaria.
- New class adjustments: new druidal shapes, chronomatics magic effects for magicians, "dark trunkers" magic effects for hunters, elemental forms for shamans and more.
- Path of aspects as feature with new skills.
- New World Events in Azeroth and in the dream of Titanin.
The Realm of Life
in the realm of Elune
- Elune and her cosmic domain are the focus of extension. The cover adorns the portrait of Tyrande.
- Necromant comes into play as a new class.
- We are allowed to look forward to new peoples / class combinations.
- Two new areas on the dragon islands and in the emerald dream.
- The dragon sump as a new RAID.
**** Flight of the Dragon Isles
- New class Talonguard with four matches.
* There will be a new parcel system, just with dragon swarms. However, our heroes are allowed to work together with all five dragon aspects.
* Two new raids: The first battleship plays in a temple in which a new dragon swarm should be created. The second RAID plays somewhere in Tirisfal, where the scarlet crusade drives again his misrepresentation.
**** Flight of the Aspects
Furorion is a popular WOW character, maybe the dragons finally get their own expansion. Source: Blizzard
- The eternal dragon swarm suggests the pre-patch event. The dragons approach Azeroth again and summon bosses everywhere from all the time lines.
- There is a new class called Dragonsworn with four matches: Lifebinds (fire / healer), destroyers (earth, fire / DPS), awakened (nature / dps) and timeless (time magic / tank).
- Our way leads us to the emerald green dream.
- Players join the dragon aspects and collect aspect power.
- The whistle of the airmard from Wow (Buy Now): Legion is revised. Our heroes will be picked up by a dragon in the future and brought to the next air champion.
- Originally, the extension should bear the name "Dawn of the Aspects" (called the WOW novel "Dawn of the Aspekts"; German title: "The downfall of the aspects"). The name was changed, however, because the note should have come in the meeting that DOA is a common English term for "Dead on Arrival". The German expression is "dead on arrival". An extremely inappropriate name for a new WoW extension to save the attached MMORPG.
Much mischief with a few highlights
Most (supposed) leaks sound very dared. There was obviously the one or other bored players of his imagination free run. With the first "Leak" we could make friends very well. Blizzard never dissolved the tensions, which ran in Legion between the powers of light and the emptiness everywhere in the universe. This also fits the new description of the peoples Azeroths on the official side of World of Warcraft. In the description of Velen, Draenei focuses on the connection to the light particularly intensively. The update could actually be an indication of the topic of the next WOW extension. What do you mean to the many WOW "Leaks", which currently circulate in the network? Which ones like them and what topics do you completely exclude for the upcoming WOW extension? Tell us your opinion in the comments!
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