Is Druddigon good in Pokemon Go? Statistics and moves explained

Any Pokémon of Type Dragon in Pokémon Go will be helpful for coaches who want to be successful in fighting in the mobile phone game. After that has been said, Druddigon possibly the best choice for coaches who are looking for an all-round Pokémon of the Type Dragon, which you can add to your teams for gyms all over the world. But is it better than other dragon types that you can bring to your team in Pokemon Go? Today we will answer a simple question: Is Druddigon good in Pokemon Go?

Druddigon statistics and movements explained

Druddigon is a pure Pokémon of Type Dragon without a secondary type. It causes 160 % damage to other dragon types, while it is susceptible to ice cream, fairy and other dragon types that harm the druddigone 160 %. It is also resistant to fire, water, grass and electric types that only harm druddig1. Druddigon has a maximum CP of 2,732.

As far as its underlying is concerned, Druddigon is mainly an attack-oriented Pokémon with a basic attack value of 213, a basic defense value of 170 and a basic endurance value of 184.

Below are the best offensive and defensive movetets for Druddigon in Pokemon Go:


  • Dragon tail: 16.4 DPS
  • Dragon claw: 35.3 DPS


  • Dragon tail: 16. 4 DPS
  • Dragon claw: 35.3

Although we advise against this, you could make Druddigon more variety of movements by learning him to learn Night Slash, which makes 22.7 DPS as the main movement on Dragon Claw.

If you think about using Druddigon, you should either use it as a main or change Pokémon due to its high attack and endurance values. We advise you not to use Druddigon as a close company due to his low defensive value. It is the ideal glass cannon to break through the first or second Pokémon in the team of the other coach.

Although Druddigon is not our first choice, the Pokémon is still a solid dragon type for every coach who wants to fight.

Be sure to look at our other guidelines, such as B. our Poni adventure guide for special research tasks and rewards.

Pokémon Go is available on all mobile devices.

Druddigon is OK | Pokémon GO Attack of the fanboy / captain / is Druddigon good in Pokemon Go? Statistics and moves explained
